Cricket Online Review is now reading submissions for Vol.  XI, No. II. 


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Cricket Online Review - Volume XI, No. I
POETRY . . .
Samantha Bares
Broth me noisy
Raymond Farr
& Some of Ohio
The Lie We Confront
Joan Payne Kincaid
Vacation In the Maldives
Geo-Political Machinations
Je Suis Charlie II

Glenn R. Frantz
13 Life-Changing Ways to Understand Inspirational Desserts
16 Surprising Tips to Remain at Home In a Peculiar Life

John Lowther
[Nobody calls me monogamous with malice]
[Foreplay is kissing, teasing, caressing, and putting parts of other people's...]
[Sentences represent possibilities]
Qal LaFountain
Nurphy's Law
Take the Seapath

John M. Bennett

David Welper
Sorry Sir We're Gonna Have To Ask You To Leave
Certainty (A Self-Portrait of Lips)
Park Blue
Kyle Hemmings
Let Me Be Your Twin II
Let Me Be Your Twin III
Let Me Be Your Twin IV
Christopher Mulrooney
the New World Order
John McKernan
Name In Water
Lynn Strongin
from A Concoction of Glass Bees
[In the Classically clean...]
[You lift the top of the world for me]
[But day has spiked]
John Sibley Williams
A Room for Listening
Lauren Russell
Darren C. Demaree
Emily As the Chicken's Head Went With the Bow
Emily As How the Brick Stands
Emily As It Doesn't Matter If You Know the Roads
Marco Giovenale
sad-es soapsophia
[ carved visas, canvas veda ]
believe it or not, the world is times new roman 12
from "four fous" (1)
from "four fous" (2)
shy for pope slave rictus
PROSE . . .
before the first spoke and after the last is silenced forever
M. Leland Oroquieta
Postcard for Hong Kong
ETC . . .
Contributors' Notes