..:: CONTENTS ::..
..:: POETRY ::..
Charles Bernstein
The Bricklayer's Arms
kari edwards
from: obedience
David Harrison Horton
Articles of Favorable Treatment (February
Mark Kanak
derating curves
support bearing
paunsdorf, the six or the eight
Friedrich Kerksieck
Fifteen ways of water:
Yung Seoul Kim
Midnight Jade
On Asian Pears
Sundin Richards
A Rooster In The Garden
Looting Mary-Celeste
Hillbilly Dictionary
The Ruination Of My Right Arm
Jeremy James Thompson
Febrifuge & Foxtrot
PEEPERS (lick the candy mirror)
Beloved: Refrain\ you are a reel of film
Schmaltz Routines
Wearing the antique guile hat
Moon Shine (V/T)arnish
..:: PROSE ::..
Adam Benforado
Martha Clarkson
Todd Scott Moffett
..:: ART ::..
Wes Tilson
Cycling Mandalas
..:: REVIEWS ::..
J. Mara Goldberg
Lyn Hejinian, The Fatalist
Chad Lietz
Claudia Keelan, The Devotion Field
J.D. Mitchell
Stephen Ratcliffe, Portraits &
..:: ETC ::..
Contributor's Notes
..:: ARCHIVES ::..
Volume I, Issue I
Volume I, Issue II
Looting Mary-Celeste
Sundin Richards
I can’t wait to collapse
into perfection a gold
formulation of sun on
leaves of the New World
towers with windows
faster than anything
rasp over the power
lines even birds
please let’s remember
the day and the hour
among dirt and diamonds
there’s no seeing where
there is to get to
this thing which is not
a sign
let’s have a three
day Triumph with useless
equipment and flashing
canaries and every notic
able slavery
that was the last place
of dogs and bandits
the long wash rubs out
memory known foreign face
a choir invisible blue stars
on a white field
it’s not rocket surgery
and the risk factor has
never been higher
Advance //