#104 Jose Andres Mellin Tapia
Samantha Giles
prepare the body you first wash it with wine. Take three
meters of white material, cut the impact of the bullet against
the interior surface of the body where the bullet EXITS is a
hole in the middle and slide it over the body. Then you dress
them in normal clothes, usually the event that knocks them
down - if they are knocked down at all. In either, shut the
jaw, cross their hands and tie them together, and fasten the
feet with white. In these cases, the man is knocked down but
for different reasons of physics, if you add into
handkerchief. Finally, an icon and flowers are placed on top
of the body in the ammunition that is designed to split into
pieces on impact. When people come to pay their respects they
give money to light a candle. They say "God" on
impact, the results will differ from one other. On the other
hand, any of them may forgive, then they ask the deceased to
pass on messages to their dead calibers that can cause an
instant and spontaneous drop if they sever loved ones. Before
they are buried the deceased's hands, feet and jaw are untied
so they become a vessel (such as an aorta, for example) or the
heart or brain are free to go to their new life.
Advance //