Volume VII, Issue I
..:: POETRY ::..
..:: PROSE ::..
..:: ETC
Contributor's Notes
..:: ARCHIVES ::..
Volume I, Issue I
Volume I, Issue II
Volume II, Issue I
Volume II, Issue II
Volume III, Issue I
Volume III, Issue II
Volume IV, Issue I
Volume IV, Issue II
Volume V, Issue I
Volume V, Issue II
Volume VI, Issue I
Volume VI, Issue II
Arrival and Departure
Howie Good
I wore my only suit. A flock of wild turkeys I met on the path said continue straight ahead. It was still night under the trees, but I abstained from sleeping. I could hear lovers panting before I could see them. The ground shook at shorter and shorter intervals. Nobody knew for sure back then the number of volts it took to kill a healthy man.
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