Volume X, Issue II
..:: POETRY ::..
..:: PROSE ::..
..:: OTHER ::..
Chad Lietz
Marilyn R. Rosenberg
Nick Romeo
philip miletic
..:: ETC
Contributor's Notes
..:: ARCHIVES ::..
Volume I, Issue I
Volume I, Issue II
Volume II, Issue I
Volume II, Issue II
Volume III, Issue I
Volume III, Issue II
Volume IV, Issue I
Volume IV, Issue II
Volume V, Issue I
Volume V, Issue II
Volume VI, Issue I
Volume VI, Issue II
Volume VII, Issue I
Volume VII, Issue II
Volume VIII, Issue I
Volume VIII, Issue II
Volume IX, Issue I
Volume IX, Issue II
Volume X, Issue I
morphnacular vi.: anunnaki dysphemism
Joseph Milford
join in the gestalt the data
basalt, up to bonelevel
mercury notwithstanding
all us steeplechased into
stun-gun barricades
scratch a ticket at the petrol
station of riding a bullet
into the founding father's
liquor cabinet and just desire
to walk on the moon made
us beautiful—then, we had
to go and do it—this whole
thing was a dare to monadic
overdrive—we didn't even
know until the bit was pulled
out of our mouths how to
say extraterrestrial
Advance //